
Understanding Methods and Assumptions of Depreciation

Ed Otto

It would test all these assets for impairment regularly, and if any asset’s value is deemed unrecoverable, an impairment loss would be recognized. Capital assets, such as plant, and equipment (PP&E), are included in long-term assets, except for the portion designated to be depreciated (expensed) in the current year. Long-term assets can be depreciated based on a linear or accelerated schedule, and can provide a tax deduction for the company. Under ASC , the accounting and reporting for long-lived assets differ depending on what the entity intends to do with them. This edition of On the Radar maps out the decision process and highlights key considerations for impairments and disposals of long-lived assets and discontinued operations. Keep in mind there is a slightly different approach to impairments for long-lived assets that are classified as held-for-sale.

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When this happens, the cycle restarts while the business remains profitable. These are just a few of the HR functions accounting firms must provide to stay competitive in the talent game. Among the countless lessons companies have learned in recent years, expect the unexpected should be toward the top of the list. Things happen, surprises fall out of the sky, and the marketplace throws massive, roll-off-the-table sinkers that leave organizations swinging at air. Let’s consider a fictitious manufacturing company, “AutoMakers Inc.” to illustrate the concept of long-lived assets. Below is a portion of Exxon Mobil Corporation's (XOM) balance sheet as of September 30, 2018.

Asset Depreciation vs. Asset Impairment

  1. Long-term assets are considered to be less liquid, meaning they can't be easily liquidated into cash.
  2. It is because a long term asset is not expected to generate a benefit for an infinite amount of time.
  3. Without a plan to ensure strong performance, asset breakdowns will be common and you’ll lose valuable production time while spending more money on emergency repairs.
  4. Items such as real estate, buildings, machinery, and even furniture are considered long-lived assets.
  5. There are always assumptions built into many of the items on these statements that, if changed, can have greater or lesser effects on the company's bottom line and/or apparent health.

The carrying value of a long term asset (also called the net book value) refers to the value of the asset on the company’s books. The carrying value is the original cost of the asset less any accumulated depreciation. Long-term assets can be expensive and require large amounts of capital that can drain a company's cash or increase its debt. A limitation with analyzing a company's long-term assets is that investors often will not see their benefits for a long time, perhaps years to come.

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Suppose that trailer technology has changed significantly over the past three years and the company wants to upgrade its trailer to the improved version while selling its old one. The two main assumptions built into the depreciation amount are the expected useful life and the salvage value. Once you have viewed this piece of content, to ensure you can access the content most relevant to you, please confirm your territory. Drug companies invest billions of dollars in R&D researching new drugs, but only a few come to market and are profitable.

Intangible Long Lived Assets

Tracking your asset lifecycles with software can be as simple as relying on a single spreadsheet. Preventative maintenance reduces the likelihood of an asset breaking down by improving conditions before they turn into problems, including oil changes or replacing a filter. However, you should also have a corrective maintenance plan to ensure you move quickly and efficiently in response to asset (or system) breakdowns.

Checking this data through regular inventory audits will guide your updates to maintenance schedules. Whether it’s a lawn mowing company or a luxury yacht rental company, every operation with assets must invest how to start a bookkeeping business in asset lifecycle management to ensure the best return on its investment. Of course, this means auditors will pay especially close attention to the judgment you use in calculating impairment loss.

Long-Lived Assets

Long-lived assets, also known as long-term assets, are holdings that are expected to provide economic benefits in the future, typically more than a year out. These types of assets fall into the two major categories of tangible and intangible. Now that you’ve measured your loss on impairment, it’s time to record the loss. In many cases, an impairment loss will pertain to several assets included in an asset group. Under ASC 360—Property, Plant, and Equipment, you need to allocate any impairment loss on a pro-rata basis to all assets in the asset group in the scope of the standard.

It is because a long term asset is not expected to generate a benefit for an infinite amount of time. In the automobile factory example, machines will become old and may experience breakdowns or fall victim to obsolescence. PwC refers to the US member firm or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates, and may sometimes refer to the PwC network. This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. Non-current assets are long-term assets that have a useful life of more than one year and usually last for several years. Long-term assets are considered to be less liquid, meaning they can't be easily liquidated into cash.

For that reason, you want to be consistent with the assumptions you use in your impairment analysis and avoid using contradicting cash flow models for different needs like, for example, the forecasts for realizability of deferred taxes. Your story should remain the same or, at the very least, the information you use should make sense and be supportable. Suppose that the company changes salvage value from $10,000 to $17,000 after three years, but keeps the original 10-year lifetime. With a book value of $73,000, there is now only $56,000 left to depreciate over seven years, or $8,000 per year. That boosts income by $1,000 while making the balance sheet stronger by the same amount each year.

Depreciation is how an asset's book value is "used up" as it helps to generate revenue. In the case of the semi-trailer, such uses could be delivering goods to customers or transporting goods between warehouses and the manufacturing facility or retail outlets. All of these uses contribute to the revenue those goods generate when they are sold, so it makes sense that the trailer's value is charged a bit at a time against that revenue. The above example uses the straight-line method of depreciation and not an accelerated depreciation method, which records a larger depreciation expense during the earlier years and a smaller expense in later years. Click here to extend your session to continue reading our licensed content, if not, you will be automatically logged off.

That’s why long-term assets are especially at risk of impairment – there’s more time for things to go astray. Asset impairment isn’t exclusive to only long-lived assets, though, also rearing its inopportune head for indefinite-lived intangible assets and goodwill. Long-lived assets are typically capitalized, meaning their cost is recorded as an asset on the balance sheet rather than being immediately expensed. Over time, these assets are depreciated (for tangible assets) or amortized (for intangible assets) to spread their cost over their useful life. All intangible assets are nonphysical, but not all nonphysical assets are intangibles. For example, accounts receivable and prepaid expenses are nonphysical, yet classified as current assets rather than intangible assets.

If the asset is considered to be impaired, the company has to write down the value of the asset to its fair value and recognize an impairment loss. Registrants may also be required to report a disposition, including certain disposals that do not qualify as discontinued operations, on a Form 8-K and provide pro forma financial information that gives effect to the disposition. Further, registrants must consider the impact the revised financial statements may have on other SEC requirements (e.g., SEC Regulation S-X, Rules 3-05, 3-09, 4-08(g), and 3-10). Most businesses require assets, which are the owned property or equipment that the business uses to turn a profit. To get the most value out of these assets, a business needs a plan to manage them for increased longevity while maximizing their output. This process for increasing an asset’s lifespan is called asset lifecycle management.

Finally, we wouldn’t be doing you much justice if we left everything so high-level without adding some of the tips we’ve picked up in the accounting trenches. So on that note, let’s look at some practical insights you can use to make the impairment loss process a bit more efficient. Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s take a closer look at the actual financial accounting process for impaired assets, starting with identifying whether or not you have an impaired asset on your hands. It does not matter if the trailer could be sold for $80,000 or $65,000 at this point; on the balance sheet, it is worth $73,000.

Long lived assets are usually classified into two subcategories, which are noted below. Intangible long-lived assets are those that do not possess a physical presence and include stocks, bonds, patents, and copyrights. While these investments hold value, they also can increase or decrease in value over time. Assets will perform best when your lifecycle plan is in place to ensure that you buy the best asset for the job and you maintain its functionality for as long as possible. Without a plan to ensure strong performance, asset breakdowns will be common and you’ll lose valuable production time while spending more money on emergency repairs. Yes, this is an extreme example of a sudden and significant adverse change that doesn’t exactly occur every day.